Municipal Courts
Scofflaw FAQs
NEW Registration / Inspection Sticker Law effective March 1, 2015; for more information, visit https://www.txdmv.gov/motorists.
What is Scofflaw /Vehicle Registration Denial Program?
Scofflaw, or the Vehicle Registration Denial Program, is a program in which the local government and the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV) enter into a contract to prevent vehicle owners with *delinquent traffic violations from receiving their vehicle registration.
Why have I been flagged as a Scofflaw violator?
You have been flagged if you have outstanding *delinquent citations with the City of Houston Municipal Courts Department and have failed to resolve them.
What do I have to do to clear my records and be allowed to get my vehicle registered?
You must resolve or pay in full all *delinquent citations with the City of Houston Municipal Courts that occurred with this vehicle to have the hold on your vehicle registration released by TxDMV.
Where can I go to resolve these violations?
You can make payments online at www.houstontx.gov/courts; via phone by dialing 3-1-1 or 713.837.0311; or through Western Union. You can also appear at the Herbert W. Gee Municipal Courthouse located at 1400 Lubbock, or any of the satellite locations to resolve your citations.
What if I recently purchased this vehicle and I do not have any outstanding citations?
You will need to submit an Application for Texas Certificate of Title (form VTR-130-U) and the Texas Motor Vehicle Transfer Notification (form VTR-346) to TxDMV, and they will provide you with a form acknowledging you are the new owner. These forms and other TxDMV information can be found at www.dot.state.tx.us. In addition, you should complete a Scofflaw Hearing Affidavit notifying the court that the citations were not issued to you.
- Form A: I purchased this vehicle and I do not have any delinquent citation(s)
- Form B: I own the vehicle, but someone else was driving the vehicle at the time of the violation(s)
How long does it take for the flag to clear once the citation has been resolved?
It will take 5-7 business days to update TxDMV records and remove the Scofflaw flag.
Can I make a partial payment and get clearance to get my vehicle registration renewed?
You can make a partial payment, but you will not get clearance for your vehicle registration renewal until your case is fully resolved.
How long will I be denied the ability to obtain my vehicle registration?
The flag on your vehicle registration will not be released until all your *delinquent obligations with the City of Houston Municipal Courts have been resolved.
If you have questions regarding citations from the City of Houston Municipal Courts that are preventing you from obtaining your Texas Vehicle Registration, call 311 or (713) 837-0311.
*For the purpose of this program, delinquent citations refer to capias pro fine cases, or cases in which a Judge has found the individual guilty, has issued a fine and the defendant has failed to pay the fine.