Municipal Courts
Administrative Violations
Administrative Violation (AV) hearings are held Pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances, to owners of a property that was identified for code violations.
A hearing to determine liability is scheduled and provided when the citation is issued. If you have lost your original citation and do not have your hearing information, please call the Houston Helpline at 3-1-1.
You have the right to contest the violation(s) for which you have been cited by personally appearing at the hearing and presenting evidence. Failure to timely appear at any scheduled hearing is considered an admission of liability.
The person cited must personally appear at the hearing at the time, date and location noted on the citation and at any subsequent hearings.
The inspector who issued this citation is not required to appear at the hearing but you may request that the inspector be present by submitting a written request to the Clerk of the Court at least fifteen (15) days before the hearing. If you fail to timely request that the inspector be present, then you have waived the right to call and examine the inspector.
To request a record of the proceedings or an interpreter, you must submit a written request to the Clerk of the Court at least five (5) days before the hearing date. If you fail to timely request a record of the proceeding or an interpreter, then you have waived the right to a record of the hearing or to have an interpreter.
You have the right to appeal an Order to the Clerk of the Court before the 30th day after the Order is filed. You must file a petition and secure a bond for twice the amount of the administrative penalties, costs and fees assessed by the Hearing Officer.
Unless the order is suspended through a properly filed appeal, the total sum assessed by the Hearing Officer must be paid within 30 days after the date the Hearing Officer’s order is filed with the Municipal Court.
The City may refer the administrative penalties, costs and fees to a collection agency if not paid in a timely manner and the City may enforce the Order by filing a civil law suit for the collection of the penalties, costs and fees assessed, or obtain an injunction to prohibit the specific conduct that violates the ordinance or to require specific to the order the conduct necessary for compliance with the Order.