Building a More Equitable City

The best place to find information about government funding and programs for affordable, safe homes in Houston.

Batres Family Embrace

HCD and Partners Unveil New Beginnings for the Batres Family in Special Home Beautification Project

In an inspiring collaboration, the City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department (HCD), alongside the Houston Home and Garden Show and American Furniture Warehouse, has transformed the life of a very deserving Houstonian.

Black History Month

Black History Month

HCD is proud to celebrate Black History Month! Houston is a diverse city with a rich Black American history. HCD is proud to serve many of the communities that make Houston like Fifth Ward, Sunnyside and Acres Homes.

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Help us plan for the FUTURE!


We encourage you to actively participate and make your voice heard in the development of our five-year Strategic Plan, including the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. Your involvement is essential as we work together to shape our community’s future. We invite you to take the community needs survey, attend a public meeting, or even ask a member of our HCD staff to join your planned community gathering. Every perspective matters, and your input will help us create a more inclusive and responsive plan.

Virtual Office Hours

Virtual Office Hours

We are now holding our weekly Community Office Hours virtually! From 1pm-4pm every Wednesday, you can call in and be connected to program representatives. They will be able to answer questions, give status updates, and more.

Numbers to call:

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What We Do

The City of Houston Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) works to create opportunities for all Houstonians to have access to safe homes that they can afford in communities where they can thrive. Our department works closely with service providers and developers across the city to improve quality of life for Houston residents.


Renters Assisted


Homeowners Reimbursed


Homes Reconstructed


Homebuyers Assisted


Affordable Rental units Constructed


Rental units Under Construction


Residents Served


Latest Plans and Notices

2024 Annual Action Plan Amendment

Recently, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced the availability of a special funding allocation of Emergency Solutions Grants called Rapid Unsheltered Survivor Housing funding (ESG-RUSH).

2024 Annual Action Plan

2020-2024 Consolidated Plan and 2020 Annual Action Plan - July 2021

Stay Informed

Community feedback is invaluable, and there are many ways to ensure your voice is part of the conversation. Take our community needs survey, attend one of our public meetings, or invite the Housing and Community Development Department (HCD) to join your planned community gathering. Every perspective matters, and your input will help us create a more inclusive and responsive plan.

2025 Draft Annual Action Plan
2025 Draft Caper
2025 Draft AI Plan

Community Meetings

Our in-person 2024 Fall Community Meeting was recorded at the Kashmere Gardens Multi-Service Center. Residents learned about our programs directly from staff and had small group discussions where they could provide input to help us develop our new five-year goals and strategies.

Upcoming Events

If you would like to request an event to be held in your area, please fill out this Outreach Form .

Our Partners

Monica Lamb Powell
Principal Owner
Houston Plumbing and Gas, LLC

Basketball legend and Principal Owner of Houston Plumbing and Gas, LLC Monica Lamb Powell, shares her inspiring insights on the parallels between basketball and the housing and plumbing sector. Drawing from her rich history in sports, she highlights the importance of hard work, teamwork, and women's empowerment. She also discusses the significance of partnerships, diversity, and inclusion, as well as her commitment to creating legacy-building opportunities for others.

Allison Booker Brooks
Chief Program Officer
Northwest Assistance Ministries

Allison Booker Brooks, the Chief Program Officer at Northwest Assistance Ministries, shares insights into her passion, leadership, and the hurdles she has faced in her career. She also discusses the significant impact her organization has on the community through a diverse array of services.

Aileen Mayberry
Heart of Houston, CDC

Heart of Houston, CDC President/CEO, Aileen Mayberry enlightens us on the importance of affordable housing, community development, partnerships, inclusivity, and her experience in working in the housing sector as a woman.

Greg Williams
Honesty Construction Group

Greg Williams, the Principal at Honesty Construction Group, shared his insights during a candid discussion about the daily experiences of working in the construction sector. He elaborated on his role in positively impacting lives through building and repairing homes, as well as his dedication to assisting those in need.

Helen Callier
Permit Us Now

In a captivating one-on-one interview, Helen Callier, President of Permit Us Now, reveals how her firm is transforming the construction landscape with premier permit expediting services, while also championing women's empowerment and ensuring projects start smoothly. Advocating for diversity and forging strategic partnerships, she not only promotes women's empowerment but also elevates her company as a beacon of innovation and efficiency. Callier's path from the inception of Permit Us Now to becoming an industry trailblazer exemplifies her dedication to overcoming obstacles and turning construction challenges into victories, inspiring a new era of women leaders.

Rev. Leslie Smith II
Change Happens CDC

A dream transformed into a vibrant reality. We had the delightful opportunity to engage in an exclusive interview with the CEO of Change Happens CDC, Rev. Leslie Smith II. During our conversation, we explored his inspiring dreams, his fervent passion, and his remarkable journey through the realm of community development and planning.

Stanley Phill
Founder/Executive Director
A Caring Safe Place

We recently sat down with Stanley Phill, Founder/Executive Director of A Caring Safe Place, to discuss his life, ministry, and incredible journey. His organization provides services that stabilize, improve, and transform the lives of vulnerable individuals and families.