District C

District C Events

Upcoming Events

District C Free Electronics Recycling Drive

District C is bringing back the popular electronics recycling drive, happening Saturday, February 15th from 9AM to 12PM at All Saints Catholic Church in the Heights! Council Member Kamin is proud to fund this initiative in partnership with the City's Solid Waste Management Department, ensuring that District C residents have access to responsible recycling options.

Limit of 5 pieces per resident. See the flyer for details on what you can/cannot recycle. Please note, any cardboard boxes or containers that you may bring your electronics in will NOT be accepted, you must take your boxes with you.

E-Cycling Event

Click graphic above for a full-sized .pdf version

Past Events

District C Tree Care & Sustainability Meetings with Trees for Houston

With so many trees destroyed and damaged over the past few months, Council Member Abbie Kamin teamed up with Trees for Houston for a series of community meetings geared towards tree care and sustainability. These meetings, held throughout the district, highlighted how to safely maintain and care for our trees, which trees are best to plant for those who've lost them in the storm, and get some unique tips on vegetation in our specific areas. Check out the meeting recordings below.

Trees for Houston Meeting - South

Trees for Houston Meeting - North


Woodcrest SWAT Community Meeting

Woodcrest SWAT Graphic

Virtual community meeting hosted by Council Member Abbie Kamin & Houston Public Works to discuss the Woodcrest SWAT Project. HPW's Stormwater Action Team will provide a project overview and answer questions from the public.